
Interview T.I.P.S. (Training to Improve Presentation Skills)

Are you prepared for your next job interview? Many people are not, say Alabama employers and AIDT project managers who interview thousands of Alabama job seekers. What they find is:

  • Some people don’t dress appropriately.
  • Others lack communication skills.
  • Many do not realize the importance of an accurate application.

Without skills to present themselves appropriately, many people lose the chance to get the job. AIDT has created the Interview T.I.P.S. (Training to Improve Presentation Skills) workshop to teach you how to submit correct applications, demonstrate confidence, improve communication skills with mock interviews and proper interview follow-up.

Interview T.I.P.S. is a customized workshop which includes:

  • Preparation for Interviews
  • Presentation at Interviews
  • Follow-Up after Interviews

Interview T.I.P.S. is open at no cost for job seekers ranging from high school students through adults.