
Global Trade Magazine has named Alabama the “Best State For Manufacturing”

Alabama has been named by Global Trade Magazine as the “Best Best State For Manufacturing” with automobiles being the state’s #1 export.  Global Trade featured Alabama growing automotive industry and the value that agencies like AIDT have leveraged to create an environment that cultivates a healthy manufacturing industry.

The state (Alabama) has seen a continued influx of manufacturing investment—much of it from the international auto industry—and it’s not hard to understand why. Alabama ranks fifth in the nation in auto production, with Toyota, Mazda, Mercedes, Hyundai, and Honda all locating factories here. Vehicles are now Alabama’s number-one export. Alabama also enjoys a leadership position in aerospace production…

AIDT, Alabama’s workforce development agency, initiates training programs to attract new industries. Training is often provided in mobile training units that meet specific company needs. Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes, Navistar, and Airbus are among the companies that have benefited from AIDT training.
